1 USD 1,7000    1 EUR 1,8485    1 RUB 0,0188    1 TRY 0,0558    XAU 3493,7125    XAG 39,3658    XPT 1559,2655    XPD 1653,4200   
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“Red Hearts” volunteers clean up Bilgah coastline: a major step towards a greener Caspian Sea

As part of the “Clean Country” environmental campaign initiated by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Bilgah coastline of the Caspian Sea was cleaned from waste. Volunteers from the Red Hearts Foundation also participated in this action, collecting 1200 kg of plastic and other household waste from the coastal strip.

The main goal of the environmental campaign is not only to clean up the coastal areas of the Caspian Sea from waste but also to attract more participants to this initiative, thereby strengthening awareness and advocacy for environmental protection.

The Red Hearts Foundation, whose one of the main activities is environmental protection, always takes part in such projects to increase sensitivity towards nature in society and calls on people to protect the environment through its volunteers. Actively participating in environmental protection and always being a part of such projects is part of Kapital Bank’s corporate social responsibility strategy, and the bank continues its activities in this direction.   

“Red Hearts” was founded in December 2019 at the initiative of Kapital Bank employees. The organization, which operates as a foundation from 2020, mainly contributes to the formation of a culture of philanthropy in our country. Addressing sensitive and important issues such as environmental protection, ecological balance restoration, education, training, and enlightenment, "Red Hearts" engages in social initiatives. By visiting https://redhearts.az you can get acquainted with Fund’s activities and support by making a donation.



Nariman Asadov
Head of the Innovations team at Kapital Bank
Andrea Hagmann
Member of Supervisory Board of AccessBank Azerbaijan
Takhmasib Dadashev
Writer, Associate Professor of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia), the author of over 40 research articles and six books on innovative technologies, facial recognition and programming.
Diana Cazacu
Expert of consulting company "Advision Finance"
Jahangir Ganizadeh
Director of the Project Division of "AtaTechnology"
Damla Bayik
Sales & Marketing Director of "Aura Wellness Centre"
Mehmet Ayan
Food & Beverage Manager of "Green House"

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